Reducing office allergies
Office cleaning westchester
Do your employees know how to handle hazardous materials safely?
Spring is beautiful, but for people with allergies, can be a source of discomfort in the workplace. Here are some steps that business owners can take to reduce allergens in the office and improve their employees’ health:
- Identify the allergens. Pollen is just one type of common allergen. Dust, mites, and pet dander can also cause severe allergic reactions.
- Keep the office windows closed as much as possible
- Wipe the work area daily wearing a mask
- Vacuum the workspace using vacuum cleaners that have HEPA filters that capture allergens. (wear a mask)
- Run a dehumidifier if your office has high humidity to reduce the risk of mold growth
- Turn on the air conditioning. This will aid in circulating the air and trapping the pollen particles in the filter.
Remember that daily dusting, mopping, and vacuuming can remove many of the allergens that affect workers helping to improve the condition and health of your work environment. But, basic sweeping and cleaning can also increase allergy problems by making allergens airborne.
Are you looking for help to keep your business clean and healthy? Argueta Industrial Services can help! Schedule an appointment today.
914 441 9760
Argueta Industrial Services LLC has been in the industrial cleaning business around the tri-state area and in the northeast region since 1999. The company offers not only quality cleaning, but also a reliable experience structured to meet the needs of customers. Their specialized team makes sure that every project is complete in a timely manner.